UConn Recreation Policies


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(860) 486-0002

General Policies

Stated policies cannot account for the potential actions of all participants and in accounting for the possibilities presented therein, UConn Recreation reserves the right to prohibit any activity it deems inappropriate; potentially harmful to fellow patrons, facilities or equipment; or unsafe; and with no advance notice. Participants in facilities, programs or events sponsored by UConn Recreation are expected to adhere to all staff requests made under these circumstances, and failure to comply may result in loss of UConn Recreation privileges or university disciplinary action.

UConn Recreation reserves the right to modify policies and implement new guidelines to protect the safety and well-being of all participants. Patrons are responsible for understanding and adhering to all rules and regulations outlined by UConn Recreation. UConn Recreation reserves the right to take appropriate action to ensure the safety of all participants as well as the security of the facilities and program to mitigate risk. All policies outlined in the University of Connecticut Student Code of Conduct are recognized by UConn Recreation. Questions regarding a specific policy should be directed to a UConn Recreation staff member for clarification.

Participants are required to present a valid UConn One Card or UConn Rec Membership Card to obtain access to UConn Recreation facilities/programs, including the Student Recreation Center (SRC).
UConn Rec members who do not possess a UConn One Card will be issued a UConn Rec Membership Card to allow for facility/program access.
Patrons purchasing a UConn Rec membership, or guest pass for SRC access, must present valid photo identification.
Misuse of the UConn One Card or UConn Rec Membership Card is prohibited, and will result in suspension from UConn Recreation facilities/programs, as well as potential further university discipline.
Students with a Bursar Hold, Immunization Non-Compliance, No Rec Access, or Recreation Suspension will not be permitted access to UConn Recreation facilities/programs.
All participants must be 18 years or older.

Participation in physical activities/programs inherently includes potential risk of injury. UConn Recreation strives to create a safe environment for all participants. Participation in activities sponsored by or managed through UConn Recreation are voluntary. Participants assume liability for injuries incurred during participation in programs and/or services offered through UConn Recreation.

It is strongly recommended that all participants obtain medical clearance prior to initiating an exercise regimen or engaging in physical activity.

Participants are responsible to determine whether he/she has the proper fitness level to participate in activities sponsored by UConn Recreation.

All participants must read and sign a Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk before participating in UConn Recreation activities and programs.

Use of UConn Recreation facilities and program participation is a privilege. Members, participants and guests shall respect the rights of others and display appropriate behavior while participating in programs offered by UConn Recreation. UConn Recreation reserves the right to refuse access or remove any individual(s) whose behavior is inappropriate, disruptive, or in violation of University policy, UConn Recreation policies and/or the Student Code of Conduct.

UConn Recreation is committed to providing a safe environment for all members of the UConn community. Recreation staff will take appropriate action to eliminate inappropriate or disruptive behavior. Inappropriate or disruptive behavior may result in immediate removal or suspension from UConn Recreation programs as well as additional University discipline. If a participant, member or guest, is directed to leave a facility or program the following outcomes are expected:

  1. The participant will leave the facility immediately.
  2. UConn Recreation staff will place a minimum 7-day suspension on the participant’s ID and the participant is immediately ineligible for further access to any UConn Recreation program or facility.
  3. Patron will receive email notification outlining disciplinary course of action.

UConn Recreation defines inappropriate or disruptive behavior to include the following:

  • Use of vulgar, obscene, abusive, or derogatory language.
  • Use of profanity or obscene gestures or actions.
  • Fighting and/or unsportsmanlike conduct.
  • Physical violence including striking, pushing, kicking or hitting another participant.
  • Exhibiting abusive behavior, either verbal or physical.
  • Displaying overt sexual behavior.
  • Harassment.
  • The possession, use and/or distribution of alcohol or drugs.
  • Smoking, vaping and/or use of any tobacco products.
  • Entering activity areas that are not open for public use, or entering private offices or restricted areas without permission.
  • Damage to or destruction of any property of the University or property of other participants while on University premise.
  • Possession of a weapon.
  • Posing an unreasonable risk to the health or safety to others.
  • Failure to follow established policies.

Patrons of the Student Recreation Center should secure their personal belonging (bags, coats, backpacks, etc.) in an appropriate storage location to maintain safety and accessibility for all members of our community. Unattended items may be moved by staff to ensure safety and access for all patrons.

The University of Connecticut and UConn Recreation are not responsible for any loss/damage to personal property. In addition, they are also not responsible for illness/injury to person(s) relating to participation in UConn Recreation activities including the use of recreation facilities. It is recommended that patrons report stolen items to UConn Campus Police and the on-site UConn Recreation staff located at the Customer Service Center.

Participants are requested to wear appropriate sport or exercise clothing and footwear while utilizing the facilities operated and managed by UConn Recreation. Safety apparel and equipment associated with specific programs is required. Closed toe shoes are required.

Bath and workout towels are available to all individuals with a valid Student Recreation Center membership at no additional charge. Towels are tracked and monitored by three 1st floor Towel Tracker kiosks located at Equipment Check, Men's Locker Room, and Women's Locker Room. Towel Tracker service is tied directly to your One Card or SRC-issued membership card.

Follow these simple steps to towel service:

Scan your One Card or SRC Membership Card at any Towel Tracker kiosk
Open the door and take a towel
Following use, return towel to used bin at any Towel Tracker kiosk

Towel service should not be shared. Towels are checked out under your ID and personally linked to your account.
Towels must be returned the day of issue. Towels kept after the close of business the day of check-out are considered lost and subject to charges.
Towels can only be returned to a Towel Tracker kiosk. Do not attempt to return towels to any other location than an active Towel Tracker.
Please secure your towels. Towels lost or stolen while out under your account are subject to charges.
Unreturned or damaged towels will be charged to the user at $10 per towel.
Continued misuse of towel service will result in a loss of privileges.

Food and chewing gum is prohibited in all areas of the facility.
Water in closed, re-sealable plastic leak-proof containers is allowed. All other drinks, protein supplements, and shakes are not permitted in the fitness centers.

Skateboards, scooters, and bikes are to be secured at the main entrance of the Student Recreation Facility in the designated areas.

Pets are not permitted inside the facility. Approved service animals are permitted in UConn Recreation facilities. Read full policy here.

Participants requiring assistance or special considerations to participate in recreation activities or facilities should contact the UConn Recreation Customer Service Center at (860) 486-0002 (Advanced notice of at least 5 days is kindly requested).

Participants with approved service animals are permitted in the Student Recreation Facility.

UConn Recreation facilities may not be used for private or commercial gain/purposes. Examples of prohibited activity include, but are not limited to: personal training; teaching private instruction; sales; and solicitation. Only UConn Recreation staff may conduct instruction.

Two locker rooms located on the first floor in the Student Recreation Center are available for participants.

Additional, private gender neutral locker rooms are centrally located on the first floor.

Use of mobile technology is prohibited in locker room areas and will be strictly enforced.

Please secure personal belongings in a locker or day-use locker.
Unattended personal belongings will be moved by UConn Rec staff.

Swim suits are the only clothing item to be placed in the water extractor located in the locker rooms. Directions for use of the extractor are attached to the equipment.

Warning: The floor surfaces in the locker room may become slippery when wet.

Filming in the Student Recreation Center is prohibited unless it is for official university managed media outlets, and only with advance approval.

All requests must be submitted formally via email to recreation@uconn.edu

All areas should be vacated at the request of the UConn Recreation staff prior to closing on a nightly basis. Staff will provide multiple reminders over the intercom system prior to closing. Participants are requested to adhere to staff closing reminders to ensure a prompt closing schedule. All borrowed equipment should be returned to the equipment checkout desk and all day-use lockers should be emptied prior to closing.

Group Fitness Policies

  • Arrive to class no later than 15 minutes prior to start time to check in at the studio.
  • Your UConn ID or SRC Membership Card must be presented at time of participation and check-in.
  • You may cancel your registration up to 1 hour prior to the class start time.
  • Late entries are not permitted.
  • Attendance is reviewed periodically and UConn Recreation reserves the right to suspend participants in violation of policies.

Group Fitness will follow all UConn closings and weather related cancellations. Please visit alert.uconn.edu for updates regarding cancellations or closings.
No-Shows will not be issued to participants for closings initiated by UConn or Group Fitness.

  • Instructors are subject to change at any time as class coverage requires.
  • Group Fitness will always strive to hold class formats as scheduled. In the event of last minute coverage requirements we reserve the right to modify or adjust a class format if needed.
  • There is a minimum of two (2) registrations needed for class to run. In the event a group fitness class is cancelled, you will receive an email notification at least one (1) hour before the scheduled start time.

Login to MyRec and view your list of scheduled classes, then click the Cancel button for the class you wish to cancel.

Cancel a Fitness Registration

Fitness Zone / Area Policies

  • Use of Chalk is prohibited in all Fitness Zones.
  • Olympic Lifting (snatch, clean, power clean, power snatch, hang snatch, hang clean, clean/jerk) is strictly prohibited in all fitness zones. Push press and clean pulls are allowed as long as the weight is being re-racked and controlled throughout the entire movement.
  • Power Lifting is only allowed in Zone 1, specifically in either the Power Rack or Platform area that states "UCONN REC."
  • Re-rack all weight plates immediately after use
  • Do not slam or drop free weights on the floor
  • Return dumbbells to rack in weight order
  • Use of clips/collars are mandatory on all lifts with Olympic bars
  • Do not lean weights against walls, pillars, mirrors, glass or equipment
  • Top loading additional weights onto existing weight stacks is prohibited.
  • Equipment can not be moved from fitness areas
  • Utilize the provided Gym Wipes to clean machines after use
  • 30 minute limit on all machines if others are waiting
  • Patrons must complete an orientation prior to use- register at recregistration.uconn.edu
  • ID is required for access and for equipment checkout
  • Proper climbing shoes are required for use of the Climbing Center and are available for checkout.
  • No dunking
  • Patrons are not permitted to use ropes, mats, bars, or any other athletic equipment
  • Sport specific equipment may be requested for set-up by UConn Recreation staff (badminton, pickleball)
  • Pre-registration via the UConn Recreation website is required for participation in Group Fitness classes
  • Group Fitness class registration opens 24 hours in advance of class start time
  • Walk-ins are not allowed for Group Fitness classes
  • If participants cannot attend a registered class, cancellation via online reservation is required 1 hour prior to class start time to avoid a ‘No-Show’
  • Participants with a Bursar Hold, Immunization Non-Compliance, Invalid ID, or Rec Hold, will not be permitted to participate. A No-Show will be issued.
  • Participants must shower prior to entering the pool.
  • Pool is for lap swimming. Participants are expected to share lanes as needed.
  • Participants are not allowed on the pool deck unless supervised by UConn Recreation staff. The access doors will be opened when the area is safe for entry

Facility Rental / Reservation Policies

  • Rooms or fields may only be rented by university departments and programs.
  • 30 days minimum advance notice is required
  • Rental requests for use of space are considered on an individual basis
  • Cancellations must be received 72 hours in advance.
  • All charges and fees will apply if cancellation not received within the required time period.
  • An administrative fee of $50 is included in the total rental cost for all approved reservations. This fee is non-refundable.
  • No food or drinks allowed on the field.
  • Any equipment brought onto the field by the renting group must be removed before exiting the field.
  • All trash must be removed and discarded outside of the field before exiting.
  • Husky Suite usage policies
  • Any facility damage or excessive cleaning incurred after a rental will be charged to the rental party